Ice Skating Friends!-Terry Runyan Creative

Ice Skating Friends!

Cute watercolor cats ice skating on a pond in the woods with red bird friends!

Ice Skating is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Luckily prompts are optional.

Full Bus!-Terry Runyan Creative

Full Bus!

Cut paper and watercolor cute cats in a bus!

Go for a Ride Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Prompts are optional.
Woodland Gathering!-Terry Runyan Creative

Woodland Gathering!

Cute cut paper, watercolor collage with birds, snowman, trees and cat!

Gingerbread House Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Arbor Day!-Terry Runyan Creative

Arbor Day!

Cute watercolor cats and birds in a tree!

Arbor Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Mitten Kitten!-Terry Runyan Creative

Mitten Kitten!

Cute watercolor cat and bird in the winter!
Mittens is the prompt for today in the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us! Prompts are optional!
Forest Cats!-Terry Runyan Creative

Forest Cats!

50/100 Forest Cats!
Forest, International Day of Forests, is our prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group. Come join us!
Watercolor, cut paper, colored pencil and white Posca pen.
Full Bus!-Terry Runyan Creative

Full Bus!

Day 26/100
Swing is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.