Holiday Company!-Terry Runyan Creative

Holiday Company!

Cute watercolor tuxedo cat in a chair with bird friends at the holidays!

Happy #caturday!
Caturday is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Luckily prompts are optional.
Kitty Scarf Friend!-Terry Runyan Creative

Kitty Scarf Friend!

Cute Procreate App digital illustration of a cute tuxedo cat in a scarf and bird!

Parfait Day is the prompt today at the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us! Prompts are optional.


Sharing a Cuppa!-Terry Runyan Creative

Sharing a Cuppa!

Cute watercolor cat and mice sharing a cuppa tea!

Warm Beverage is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional.