Acts of Kindness!-Terry Runyan Creative

Acts of Kindness!

Cute watercolor and cut paper cat and bird with heart!

Random Acts of Kindness is the prompt for the day yesterday in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Prompts are optional.
Fly By 2-Terry Runyan Creative

Fly By 2

Cute cut paper tuxedo cat and birds!

Wings is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Prompts are optional.

Champagne Cat! Happy New Year!-Terry Runyan Creative

Champagne Cat! Happy New Year!

Cute watercolor ginger cat and birds with champagne at New Years!

Champagne Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group. Join us! Luckily prompts are optional.

Coaster Pups!-Terry Runyan Creative

Coaster Pups!

Cute watercolor dogs and birds on a roller coaster!  Weeee!

Roller Coaster Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Hammock Cats!-Terry Runyan Creative

Hammock Cats!

Cute watercolor cats and birds in a hammock with plants.

Hammock Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional.