Handbags!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor cats and Handbags.
National Handbag Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
10 octubre 2021 — Terry Runyan
Bouquet Cat Hat-Terry Runyan Creative

Bouquet Cat Hat

Bouquet Cat Hat! Happy #catonheadwednesday!
Most every Wednesday I create a cat on head.  ;)
Thing on Thing is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Dresses & Cat-Terry Runyan Creative

Dresses & Cat

Watercolor women figures and cat!
I'm trying some figures after watching Jennifer Orkin Lewis (August Wren) on Creativebug. I love Jennifers work. Very inspiring!
Wear a Dress Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Beehives!-Terry Runyan Creative


Beehives! (Bees hiding inside.)
Not a new work today. I'm busy working on a new book! More news to come.
World Bee Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.