Cateye Glasses!-Terry Runyan Creative

Cateye Glasses!

Cute watercolor white cat with cat eye sunglasses!

 is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional.

Shades!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor dog with sunglasses!

Shades is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional.

Sunglasses!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor women, cat and bird in sunglasses.

Sunglasses Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Cateyes Crowd!-Terry Runyan Creative

Cateyes Crowd!

Cute watercolor cat and birds with cat eye sunglasses.
Sunglasses Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional!
Shades!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor dog with sunglasses.
Edited this from a past piece. Still busy, busy, busy with art assignments.
I look forward to sharing more about it!!
Sunglasses Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.