Llama & Alpaca Friends!-Terry Runyan Creative

Llama & Alpaca Friends!

Cute watercolor alpaca and llama!

Alpaca is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Balloon Fanatics!-Terry Runyan Creative

Balloon Fanatics!

Cute watercolor cats and bird in a hot air balloon!

Hot Air Balloon Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Plenty to Balance!-Terry Runyan Creative

Plenty to Balance!

Cute watercolor animals balancing in a group!

Balance is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.  


Bloom!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor black cat with flowers!

Blooming is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group.
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Fast Dog!-Terry Runyan Creative

Fast Dog!

Cute watercolor dog and mouse with race car!

Race Car is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Wine Share!-Terry Runyan Creative

Wine Share!

Cute watercolor cat and mouse sharing a glass of wine!

Wine Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Cruis'n!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor animals in a boat!

Maritime Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Flower Gift 2-Terry Runyan Creative

Flower Gift 2

Cute watercolor black cat giving fun flowers to a mouse!

Flower Gift is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Llama Hug!-Terry Runyan Creative

Llama Hug!

Cute watercolor llama and bunny with bird and flowers!

Happy Mom's Day for whatever kind of mom you are!
Mother's Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Balancing Act!-Terry Runyan Creative

Balancing Act!

Cute cut paper siamese cat with fish bowl!

Caturday was the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Shades Day!-Terry Runyan Creative

Shades Day!

Cute watercolor dog with sunglasses!

Shades is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Cottage!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor and mixed media cottage scene with cute animals!

Iris Day is the prompt for today at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.